About Us
Our Board Members

Richard Panuschka

Ashley Farr
Vice Commodore

Eric Villadsen
Rear Commodore

Jennifer Frasier

Spencer Griscom

Sam Corso

David Young

Georgette hartley
Communications Coordinator

Gary & Linda Gordon
PICYA Delegates
Our Story
Welcome to one of the most beautiful places you can sail
South Lake Tahoe Windjammers Yacht Club was formed in 2018 after the merger of the Tahoe Windjammers Yacht Club (founded 1968) and the South Lake Tahoe Yacht Club (1961). We are located in beautiful South Lake Tahoe, California at an altitude of 6,200 ft. LAT 38° 55’N / LONG 120° 01’W .
We are an organization of people banded together for the purpose of mutual interest in the field of boating, education, and general involvement in boating. We hereby lend our services to assist the public and others concerned in the field of boating, for the safety and welfare of boating in general.
We currently do not have a clubhouse, but we do host social events throughout the year. Members enjoy summer boating activities such as: beach picnics, overnight shoreline camp-outs, a boat parade and dinner meetings. Winter activities include skiing and a mystery trip. Numerous other activities are planned each year. Fundraisers are held annually to earn money to donate to local charities. We are a 501(c)(7) nonprofit organization located in South Lake Tahoe, CA. The club is a member of the Pacific Inter-Club Yacht Association (PICYA), allowing members to participate in activities of over 100 yacht clubs.

Article 1.
The Name of this Club shall be the SOUTH LAKE TAHOE WINDJAMMERS YACHT CLUB, hereafter referred to as SLTWYC.
The principal mailing address for the transaction of business of this Club is Post Office Box 10466, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96158.
Article 2. Mission Statement
The mission of the South Lake Tahoe Windjammers Yacht Club is to serve the boating community of South Lake Tahoe, California, by actively promoting boating activities and to provide boating education to elementary school students in the South Lake Tahoe Basin.
Article 3. Purpose of this Club
- To promote and encourage public interest in all forms of boating activities and safe boating practices on Lake Tahoe.
- To plan and coordinate sailboat races and regattas and to award trophies to members and invited competitors.
- To plan and arrange outings on the water that bring power and sailing vessels together for pleasure boating.
- To provide learning experiences to all levels of boating enthusiasts, especially youth.
- To plan and provide social events for members and guests.
- To provide members with advantages inherent in organization.
Article 4. Membership
- The membership of SLTWYC shall consist of Regular, Associate, and Junior. Membership shall be granted to those individuals accepted by a majority vote of the Board and payment received of dues and an initiation fee.
- Any person, or two adult persons residing in one household, may become a regular member. A Regular member shall pay an initiation fee and annual dues, for which the individual shall be granted all the privileges of SLTWYC including the right to vote and hold office. Voting shall normally be by voice vote of those eligible voters present or a roll call vote may be taken by raised hand. In special circumstances, as determined by the Board, an absentee ballot may be taken via email.
- An Associate membership can be awarded for a period of one calendar year to any individual who wants to join SLTWYC on a trial basis. Therefore, this membership category is not intended for former members. An Associate member shall pay the initiation fee and annual dues established by SLTWYC for which the individual shall be granted all the privileges of SLTWYC except the right to vote and to hold office. If the Associate member renews the following year, s/he becomes a Regular member.
- Any person under the age of 18 years may become a Junior member. A Junior member may pay annual dues established by SLTWYC but no initiation fee. A Junior member shall be granted all the privileges of SLTWYC except the right to vote and hold office.
- All members have the right to be heard in SLTWYC meetings, to fly the club burgee in accordance with standard yachting practices, to participate in any club activity, and may be granted other such rights and privileges as the voting membership decrees.
Article 5. Fees
Annual membership dues in three categories (Regular, Associate and Junior) shall be determined by the following:
- A proposal that has received a favorable majority vote of the Board shall be voted on at a General Membership Meeting of the club.
- A two-thirds majority vote of the voting membership present at a duly called meeting of the club is required to approve a schedule of membership fees.
- All voting members must be notified at least two weeks in advance of any proposed change(s) in the fee schedule.
- Membership Dues are due and payable as of January 1 and past due after March 31.
- Any member who fails to pay the yearly dues by April 30 will be terminated as a member of the club, will forfeit their initiation fee and will be removed from the club roster as of May 1. No extensions will be granted.
Article 6. Meetings
- Board meetings of SLTWYC shall be held monthly at the discretion of the Commodore. General Membership meetings of SLTWYC shall be held a minimum of three times annually at the discretion of the Commodore. Social events of the membership will be scheduled at the discretion of the Vice Commodore.
- Special meetings may be called by the Commodore whenever s/he deems such meetings necessary.
- All members must be given at least one week’s notice of any special meeting and provided with reason for such meeting.
- All decisions shall be made by a majority vote of the voting members present unless stated within these bylaws.
- The structure of meetings shall be as follows:
- Call to Order
- Roll Call
- Approval of minutes of previous meeting(s)
- Officer and Committee Chairperson reports
- Unfinished Business
- New Business
- Adjournment and selection of next meeting date and time.
- Proceedings shall use the Robert’s Rules of Order as a guide and adhere to By-laws and Standing Rules.
Article 7. Officers
- The Officers of SLTWYC shall be as follows:
- Commodore elected position
- Vice Commodore elected position
- Rear Commodore elected position
- Secretary elected position
- Treasurer elected position
- Parliamentarian appointed by Commodore
- PICYA Delegate appointed by Commodore
- Membership appointed by Commodore
- Communications Coordinator appointed by Commodore
- Staff Commodore appointed by Commodore
- The list of candidates comprise the Slate of Nominations. Candidates for office shall be nominated at a General Membership meeting.
- There shall be a term limit of four consecutive years for all officer positions, both elected and appointed, with exceptions permitted under extenuating circumstances.
- Duties of officers:
- Commodore: shall preside at all meetings of SLTWYC and all Board meetings; appoint Committee Chairpersons (except the Race Committee); call and conduct any special meetings; have all other duties as are commonly done by a chief executive.
- Vice Commodore: shall perform the duties of the Commodore in his/her absence; be responsible for planning and implementing SLTWYC social events other than those assigned to and planned as part of a Regatta; perform all other duties as assigned by the Commodore. May appoint a Port Captain when needed.
- Rear Commodore: shall preside as chairperson of the Race Committee; act as liaison between Race Committee and Board; perform all other duties as assigned by the Commodore. Rear Commodore or his/her representative (who shall not have the right to vote at a Board meeting) will have the right of veto over the Board in any matter relating to the conduct of SLTWYC scheduled sailing races. The specific issue(s) that result in disagreement between Rear Commodore and the Board may be brought before the membership for resolution through a majority vote of the membership present. However, the decision of the Rear Commodore shall prevail until the issue is resolved by vote of the membership.
- Secretary: shall issue notice and keep records of the proceedings of all Board and General Membership meetings; be the custodian of all club records except Race Committee records; conduct correspondence of SLTWYC; and perform any other duties as assigned by the Commodore.
- Treasurer: shall collect all funds and maintain a record of all SLTWYC funds; disburse funds as directed by the Board; deposit all funds in the name of SLTWYC in a bank designated by the Board; any unanticipated/emergency expenditures over $500 must be approved by any two Board members but only one check signature required; shall be responsible for all insurance matters and communication with said companies; only one (1) signature required to pay insurance invoices; submit annual report of receipts and expenditures to the Board; and perform any other duties as assigned by the Commodore.
- Parliamentarian: shall confirm that meetings are conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order and in adherence to the By-laws and Standing Rules.
- PICYA Delegate: shall attend and represent SLTWYC at monthly PICYA meetings; communicate information of interest to Officers and members of SLTWYC.
- Membership: shall maintain an up-to-date roster of membership; advise new members of acceptance by the Board; issue membership cards; order new name badges; order new Officer badges for the upcoming year; encourage new members to visit the SLTWYC website to learn more about club operations; shall communicate with the Communications Coordinator/Webmaster regarding maintenance of up-to-date roster on the club website; local outreach to boating community and associations.
- Communications Coordinator: shall be responsible for all internal communications between the Board, Committee Chairpersons and General Membership; be the liaison between the Web Developer (outside third party) and SLTWYC; shall support Web Developer with website maintenance and membership updates as appropriate; oversee the Social Media Committee.
- Staff Commodore: non-voting position that serves in an advisory capacity to the Commodore.
- Annual Board Orientation: An annual Board Orientation for incoming board members and any members interested in eventually becoming a board member. This orientation will take place shortly after Slate of Nominations for the upcoming year has been voted on and approved.
Article 8. The Board
- Board shall consist of all elected or appointed officers.
- Board shall meet at a time and place determined by the Commodore once a month or as deemed necessary by the Commodore. A quorum of five (5) is required to conduct business.
- Board shall have a right to sanction races; to attend to ordinary club business; shall be ruled by a majority vote of the voting members present at a General Membership Meeting for extraordinary matters; to purchase supplies and equipment necessary to club operation and to generally safeguard the well-being of club.
- Board shall by unanimous vote have the right to suspend or expel any member guilty of gross violation of accepted Yacht Racing Rules, Class Rules, unsportsmanlike conduct, or any behavior detrimental to the welfare, character or interest of the club. No vote may be taken for the suspension or expulsion of any member until at least two weeks prior notice, in writing, be given to said member setting forth the charges against him/her. Board has the responsibility of gathering all pertinent facts and conducting a thorough investigation of the alleged charges. Any member so charged has the right to be heard by the Board before a final vote is taken. All such decisions of the Board are final.
Article 9. Vacancies in Office
- If for any reason an elected officer retires his/her position, a new officer shall be elected at the next General Membership Meeting to serve the remainder of the term, provided that all members be notified at least one week in advance of such elections.
- Upon written petition of one-half of the regular voting membership, a recall election shall be held as a special meeting of SLTWYC. A two-thirds majority vote of the regular voting members present constitutes a successful recall of an elected officer. Any officer up for recall has the right to be heard by the membership before any such recall vote and must be notified of such action in writing at least two weeks prior to such vote.
Article 10. Race Committee
- Race Committee shall consist of the Rear Commodore as chairperson and at least three regular members who regularly participate in racing, with a fair distribution of the racing interests represented.
- Race Committee shall meet as necessary to consider matters relating to sailing races, such as the schedule, courses, mark location, and committee boat duties, and shall submit meeting reports to the Board.
- Race Committee shall keep a record of all protests and decisions pertaining to the races.
- Race Committee shall operate under Standing Rules and USS Rules.
- Race Committee shall have the right to revise club racing rules, and to establish time and dates of races as prescribed by the Standing Rules and USS Rules.
- Rear Commodore, or his/her designated appointee, shall have the responsibility of determining race courses, appointing a Timekeeper for each race, of computing times and determining winners, of keeping records of races and of keeping custody of and maintaining all racing equipment and related supplies and appointing a protest committee if needed.
- Race Committee shall establish handicap ratings and penalties for participating boats using the Southern California PHRF system.
Article 11. Induction Chairperson
- Shall work with Membership and perform the Induction Ceremony, formally welcoming new members into the club.
Article 12. Cruising Captain Chairperson
- Shall plan and coordinate all non-competitive boating activities under jurisdiction of the Commodore.
Article 13. Junior Program Committee
- The Junior Program Committee shall consist of the Chairperson who is a regular member and appointed by the Commodore based on ability to conduct the program with integrity and skill. The Chairperson will select assistants to conduct the program and maintain the fleet.
- The Junior Program will focus primarily upon teaching proper boat handling, safe boating operations, sailing skills and maintenance of the SLTWYC boat when a boat is provided by the club.
- The Junior Program Chairperson shall be responsible for the fleet owned by SLTWYC for the purpose of training youth; shall provide the Treasurer with an operating budget for the program; and shall confirm that the program and the fleet are properly insured.
Article 14. Amendments
The By-laws and/or the Articles of Incorporation may be amended either in whole or in part at any General Membership Meeting, upon affirmative vote of minimum two-thirds of voting members present, provided that the total voting membership be notified of such proposed changes, revisions or amendments no less than two weeks prior to the meeting.