What are beer can races?
Welcome to the Wednesday Night beer can races. These races put on by the South Lake Tahoe Windjammers Yacht Club have taken place on Lake Tahoe since the early 1970s. The beer can races are not an alcoholic drink fest but a term given a more informal relaxed type of sailboat racing. There is usually no race committee boat. Each boat and crew battle each other on the honor system making it one of the best ways for a sailor interested in racing to come and learn. If you own a sailboat and are interested in a little midweek excitement come out and join us Wednesdays at 6:00 pm. If you are interested in becoming a member of a crew, check out the Crew List. For more info about Beer Can races visit our Racing page.
How do I become a member of a crew?
SLTWYC maintains an online list of individuals interested in sailing on the lake and skippers looking for crew. Sign up on our Crew List to let skippers know you are interested. Skippers, advertise to potential crew to let them know you have space on your boat. Many of our members found their boats this way!
What if I don’t know how to sail?
If you’re interested in becoming a member of the South Lake Tahoe Windjammers Yacht Club but don’t want to sail, there are weekly and monthly social events all summer long to participate in. If you want to sail, but haven’t yet learned how, the club offers events like the Sailing Skills Clinic. See our Events Calendar for more information. You could also join the Crew List as a novice. There are many skippers who are willing to teach those seriously interested in sailing.
All Board meetings are currently being held in person and via Google Meet. Club meetings are held quarterly in conjunction with our social events. Social events are held monthly during the summer, and at the discretion of the Vice Commodore during the winter. Locations will vary. Date and program information will be posted in the Events Calendar on this website. Some events will require RSVP’s for a food count.
What does it mean to be a yacht club member?
Becoming a member of our Yacht Club is a great way to support our sailing and social events. Meet new people, share in your nautical interests, and have some fun! Visit our About Us page for application and recruitment information.