Tad Woodward

Tad Woodward passed away November 9, 2024 at the age of 90. He is survived by his wife Pat, two adult children, and four grandchildren.

Tad and Pat joined the South Lake Tahoe Yacht Club in 2006 and continued when the clubs merged. Tad very much enjoyed the camaraderie of the club and participated in many of the activities. He and Pat had a lot of fun throughout the years as members of the Yacht Club.

Tad was a California State Park Ranger and worked in a number of parks throughout California, retiring from Old Sacramento. He and Pat owned homes in the Tahoe Keys and in El Dorado Hills splitting their time between them. He loved the outdoors and fished, hunted and hiked throughout his life.

His interests included history and archaeology. In the parks he lectured on California history. He participated in archaeological digs in Mexico and Belize for several years.

He loved to travel and after he retired, he and Pat traveled a lot. Alaska to Antarctica, China, New Zealand, the Middle East including Israel, Syria, Jordan, all over Europe and Mexico plus numerous cruises. Then there were the travel trailer trips all over the western states. He loved to go.

He will be missed, but he had a long life filled with adventures.