Our featured members, Dale and Sue Herman, were both born and raised in Southern California — he in La Habra and she in Montebello. When Sue attended the orientation for Fullerton Junior College, she met Art Stone, best friend of Dale’s. Introductions were made, and love blossomed, but Sue made Dale wait four years because she was intent on graduating Whittier College prior to marriage (you go, girl!). Apparently the wait was worth it, because they will celebrate their 67th wedding anniversary next June!

The Hermans spent many years vacationing here in Lake Tahoe with their two sons, and in 1967, Dale announced he “wasn’t coming back (to the lake) unless I have a boat.” So they became the proud owners of a 1967 Glastron 16′ power boat and continued their lake-based vacations. Years earlier, they enjoyed sailing on a 30′ Catalina with Sue’s sister, brother-in-law and friends, but Dale was definitely more a power boat kind of guy. Interesting note about Sue: she was a water skier for years but does not know how to swim. She, her sister and brother grew up during the polio pandemic and their mother did not allow them to swim, especially in public swimming pools.

Dale and Sue moved to South Lake Tahoe permanently in 2000, and joined the Lake Tahoe Windjammers Yacht Club (LTWYC) around 2001. Their friend/neighbor Glen Smith recruited them for the Coast Guard Auxiliary, in which they were active for 16 years, retiring in 2017. It was through the Coast Guard Auxiliary that they met Vic and Liz Beelik, who were long-time members of the LTWYC. Vic was the club’s treasurer at the time, and eventually Dale became our club treasurer for three years.

When asked if the club has evolved for the better over the years, they both agreed “very much so” — more members, a diverse age range, and definitely more social and welcoming. They believe combining the clubs was an excellent idea and look forward to our younger generation continuing the traditions of boating, sailing and sharing an appreciation of our lake. Sue said, “Boaters enjoy life, enjoy the company of other boaters and the commonality of the love of water, especially in this beautiful area.”

Author’s note: Having known Dale and Sue for over eight years now, I know how invaluable they have been to the success of our club. There are two brief stories I would like to share. The first occurred Wednesday, July 19, 2017. It was our annual Intergalactic Race and Awards Presentation. Originally scheduled to take place at the Tahoe Keys Marina clubhouse, we were unable to hold it there due to a little dispute regarding the marina owners and the City over an allegedly unpaid $40,00 water bill. Being Vice Commodore at the time, I was slightly panicked regarding a new venue. Dale and Sue graciously offered the use of their home and backyard with plenty of tables and chairs. Plus they had running water available. Dale was kind enough to ply me with multiple glasses of wine custom-made by his cousin Gar. By the time everyone showed up, I was quite the animated hostess and it was really one of our best social events ever!

Second story: It was summer of 2018 and we had just acquired the new clubhouse in the Tahoe Keys Professional Center. I set up an event by myself (my entire committee was dealing with various issues that summer) and anxiously waited for members to arrive. Ten total showed up, including Dale, Sue, David and myself. I was heartbroken after all the effort to increase enthusiasm/attendance/whatever. As the evening ended, I stood gazing at the buffet table still laden with food and seriously wondered why I was even bothering with any of this. Sue put her hands on my shoulders and said, “It will be fine. You are on the right track, your heart is in the right place, and they will come around. It will just take time.” It was solely because of her words that I did it all again the following week. It was that week that our younger generation, lead by Sam, walked through the clubhouse door for the first time. Our club continued to grow, bringing us to where we are today, and I am so grateful for Sue’s wisdom and support.

– Shari Young